"A man filled with the love of God is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race." Joseph Smith

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wheelchair for Mountain Man in Nepal

This man lives in the mountains of Nepal in a little village. His name is Bishnu Nepali. He is a tailor by profession, sitting on the ground to do his work. He heard LDS Charities was distributing wheelchairs and crawled down the mountain on his hands and knees to receive his chair. Notice the pieces of tires on his knees to protect them as he crawls. He also uses flip flops on his hands (now tucked beside him in the chair). 

During the training section of the wheelchair distribution Bishnu made his way to the floor and then to the front of the room so he could learn firsthand how to transfer to his wheelchair and take care of his wheelchair.  When the distribution section was over and they were being served lunch, our humanitarian missionaries had a chance to visit with him.  He told them how grateful he was for his wheelchair and how this wheelchair would open a whole new world of opportunity to him. 

Something about a wheelchair helps restore people's feelings of dignity. 

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