The Coffey reunion was well under way as Bopi and Nana (Grandpa and Grandma) entered the reunion headquarters. The outdoor humidity followed us through the door as we wondered how 36 people were going to manage for the next three days.
The challenges for our nine children and their families, who live all across the country, to get together on this rare occasion were only offset by the hope that somehow it would be well worth it. We missed one out of nine, but the rest converged together and the festivities began.
Water slide bounce house - Texan style! - It's huge!!

Lake Travis fun.
Sharing Disney-inspired talents with charades.
Who am I?

These lovable, funny and crazy children of ours have started something wonderful - grandchildren! There are 19 of them now - with two to arrive soon.

Our Nineteen grandchildren! The numbers are their birth order.
Water balloon fight.
Little cousins getting to know other little cousins.
Trampoline fun!
Beating the heat.
Bopi demonstrating his talent.
Siblings living across the country from each other eating Texan donuts, enjoying a movie night, and huddling in late night conversations.
Little girl cousins feeling the movements of our daughter-in-law's soon-to-be-born baby - getting to know their new cousin!
Planting a family reunion tree …on canvas..
Moms, Dads, Kids and Grandkids. We love our family and are so grateful for the sacrifice they all made to come to the reunion. They're an awesome bunch! As we wait for our next mission to begin, it has been a joy to see all our children and grandchildren! Families are the best!
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